rsync on Linux


rsync is built into most Linux distributions. Here, I will use Pop!_OS 22.04 to show you some rsync basics.

The basic rsync command which can solve a lot of scenarios is something like this:

rsync -rv dir1/ dir2

What this means:

  • -r switch means to copy everything recursively.
  • -v means to provide logging of the actions performed. This is also known as “verbose” mode.

Now, when it comes to specifying directories, it is important to know that the format here is in: src dest. If the src folder does not have a trailing / , then that means that specific directory will be created under dest, followed by the rest of the files underneath it.

Here is an example:

rsync -rv /home/rogerngo/Desktop/test-share/ /home/rogerngo/Desktop/backup

Remote Syncing

Now, here is how you can do it from one PC to another remotely, or the other way around. You can do it pretty easily because rsync uses SSH underneath the hood.

It is just like scp in the format of:

rsync -rv src dest

Where is src is a remote host, it can be something like this:

rsync -rf rogerngo@ ~/backup

This will sync from a remote host test-share files into the local computer’s backup folder.

The other way around works too – if you want to sync stuff from a local computer to remote host:

rsync -rf ~/test-share rogerngo@
